Confiture Parisienne - Tartine Noisette spread
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Tartine Hazelnut 

14.50€ 16.90€
Confiture Parisienne - Pâte à tartiner Choco Framboise
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Confiture Parisienne - Pâte à Tartiner Pistache

Easter will soon be upon us and, as is the tradition every year, chocolate will be honored in all its forms.

Comme chaque année selon la tradition, le chocolat est mis à l’honneur sous toutes ses formes. Pour cette nouvelle édition, Confiture Parisienne invite le fameux magazine Fou de Pâtisserie pour une création complètement dingo : la Pâte à tartiner Chouchou.

Chouchou, c'est bien plus qu'une pâte à tartiner classique, c'est une vraie crème onctueuse et gourmande à dévorer à la petite cuillère ! Attendez de voir… d’abord, des noisettes et des amandes mélangées à du chocolat Valrhona. Ajoutons à cela des éclats de chouchou et ça ne rigole plus du tout !

Des scrunchies ? Oui vous savez ces petites cacahuètes torréfiées et enrobées de caramel. Mais ce qui rend cette recette totalement unique, c’est bien son cœur de caramel beurre salé tendre poché directement dans chaque pot au centre même de la pâte chocolat-noisette-amande-chouchou.

If jam alone is a real Proust's madeleine, what about the spread? This spread invokes just as many memories as jam: the scent of toast, the crispness of the slice when you spread the spread and then, in the mouth, a gourmet explosion of cocoa!

In the line of our exceptional jams, we have chosen to elaborate the ultimate gourmet treat: the spread made with good ingredients and according to authentic and simple recipes. Succumb to these delights to please yourself, but also of course to satisfy your relatives, friends and loved ones!

Everything is better with spread!

Let's start by tracing the history of this chocolate delight! The spread is indeed, above all, a product originating from Italy: the famous Gianduja. Gianduja is a paste made of chocolate of course, but also finely crushed hazelnuts. It is said that this chocolate paste was invented when Napoleon, by deciding the continental blockade, cut Italy from England, making the supply of cocoa much more expensive and tedious. Initially, however, Gianduja came in the form of a brick that was sliced to be eaten on bread. But how do you go from a brick of chocolate to a smooth paste as we know it today? In the summer of 1949, all of Italy was hit by an intense heat wave that melted the Gianduja. To avoid losses, it was decided to pour the preparation into jars! The spread was born and it will even become emblematic of the 1960s.

Even today, the spread brings back fond memories to adults and delights the taste buds of the little ones. It is a must for breakfast, but also for snacks and of course for Candlemas!

Choose the next spread that will satisfy your sweet tooth!

Over time, the spread has evolved and has even tended to lose its original flavours. Confiture Parisienne has therefore chosen to help you discover and rediscover all the gourmet potential of the spread through our Les Tartines range, which brings together some real delights!

Notre collection de pâtes à tartiner vous accompagne dès le petit déjeuner avec des pots qui offrent le meilleur du cacao et des fruits secs : amande, noisette ou encore pistache !

We have also imagined addictive flavor combinations like the Chocolate Peanut spread made with Chef François Daubinet, which we invite you to taste on country bread, on a pancake or in a cake.

In our workshop, we have also imagined a perfect alliance: chocolate and fruits. The Tartine Chocolat Framboise is made with only the best ingredients, with 100% pure Manjari dark chocolate, Willamette raspberries, unrefined cane sugar and a little lemon!

Bien sûr, nous savons que vous ne résisterez au best-seller des Tartines avec la tartine noisette du Piémont et d’Alba, sucre et cacao pur, rien que ça, seulement de bons ingrédients !

Everything tastes better
--- with a bit of jam

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