Panna Cotta with Orange - Vanilla jam

Need a dessert idea to end your meal on a deliciously sweet note? Discover our recipe for Panna Cotta with Orange - Vanilla jam.

For this recipe, you will need: 


Recipe steps:

  • Set aside the vanilla orange jam and honey in a heatproof bowl.

Agar version: Pour milk + cream + agar into a saucepan, stirring as often as possible. Bring to the boil, stirring as often as possible, and cook for at least 2 minutes, 3 minutes is better.


Gelatin version: Soak the cut leaves in a bowl of cold water for 5-10 minutes until softened. Heat milk + cream until hot, but do not boil. Turn off heat. Stir in the softened gelatin with a tablespoon until completely dissolved.

  • Next step: Pour the hot liquid over the sweet mixture. Tilt the bowl and, using a tablespoon, constantly stir the mixture upwards.
  • Using a ladle to remove all the fruit pieces, fill 6 ramekins. 
  • Set aside in the fridge for a few hours (at least 4-5 h cold). 
  • Turn out onto a dessert plate.
  • Taste it!